AFROTEAM | Atar Expeditions | Le phare du désert

Arriving to Luanda, and back again + Namíbia... | TRANSAFRICA 2013
© 2013 JuicyLime Contacto
Site last published: 29/3/14

Arriving to Luanda, and back again + Namíbia...

Etosha National Park

For those following our team… it’s been a while since our last update. We’ve been posting news and multimedia through Facebook, so I hope that you’ve been able to follow us through that social network.

For those who haven’t, a lot has happened since we left Faro exactly one year ago. The first stage of our journey connecting Faro to Luanda was a complete success and the old Landy was hitching for new adventures, so António Vilela returned to Angola and did most of its territory including the Namibe desert, until reaching Namibia.

This was a second stage of sorts, and we hope to bring you more adventures soon. In the meantime, have a look at our most recent photos from this journey.

Thank you!